
Cypress Vol. 1 [Free Sample Pack]

Cypress Vol. 1 is 33 percussive sounds recorded and shaped by 12 year old sound designer Cypress. This is Cypress' first sound pack.   Samples include kick drums, snare drum, snaps, brushes, clicks, toms and more.   They are free to download and use in your creative project royalty free.    DOWNLOAD

Soundscapes Vol. 1 [Free Sample Pack]

  This sample pack includes 24 unique soundscapes created using field samples and granular synthesis .  Raw, organic, industrial, droning, creaking, pulsating, chugging, humming, chirping  soundscapes  ready for your project.  Download Free to use. No signup, royalties, or attributions required ever. If you want to try these out with some experimental drum sounds, check out  Electro Drums Vol. 1 Want to hear the music I make? follow me on Bandcamp!

Busy Loops Vol. 3 [Free Sample Pack]

  It’s another round of Busy Loops ! 10 banks, 12 loops per bank, all original content. All royalty and attribution free .  Grab a loop and use it to start a new track, or load all of them to a Roland SP-404SX or SP-404A formatted SD card and perform them as a live arrangement. You won’t find these loops or sounds anywhere else, and you will never have to pay anything for the sounds. They are free to use in your creative commercial projects.  All sampletopia sound files will be free forever. No one has exclusive rights to them, and there is no restriction on their use.  If you enjoy this sort of content, check out BusyLoopsVol.1 and BusyLoopsVol.2 .  Also check out AnalogDrumsVol.1  or DopeDrumsVol.4 .  Download

Analog Drums Vol. 1 [Free Sample Pack]

The Roland TR-808 is one of the most iconic drum machines in history, shaping entire genres and changing the music landscape forever.   Over 30 years after it's initial release, it is still an influential instrument with a distinctive, unique sound that inspires and captivates music makers and listeners the world over.    Analog Drums Vol. 1 is an eclusive set of multisampled recordings created by meat2th, with select sounds undergoing further processing for a truly unique take on an alltime classic.   As always, these sounds are free to use in your audio productions without email signup, payment, or attribution.   Happy music making!   DOWNLOAD

BusyLoops Vol. 2 [Free Sample Pack]

This sample pack includes 10 banks (A-J) of 12 loops, for a total of 120 audio loops in WAV format. Loops include drums, percussion, bass, pads, arpeggios, leads, and more.  Each loop includes the BPM and key in the file name.  This pack is part of a series. Check out  BusyLoops Vol. 1 Busy loops started as a way to get past writers block while coming up with original compositions, and serves as method of quick arrangement for beat making and song writing. I still use this method for song and beat arrangement, but I also view them as a performance tool.  The idea is that each loop in a set of twelve is loaded to a pad on your sampler of choice, and triggered as needed on the fly as part of a performance.  If you are using busy loops with the Roland SP-404, SP-404SX, or the SP-404A, than the loops the twelve loops take up an entire letter bank.  If you are using a sampler with sixteen pads, like an MPC One, MPC Live, or Boss SP-505, there will be four addit...